Discover the Secrets of Snail Farming!

Imagine being able to raise the finest and most valuable
snails right in your own garden. It’s not just about a delicacy,
it’s also a profitable hobby opportunity!

Who am I?

I am Zoltán Rácz dr., an agricultural engineer and economist, who has been involved in garden snail breeding for 35 years.
With my experience, I can help you create a successful and sustainable snail garden in your own yard.

Why is it worth raising snails?

– Valuable food: Snails are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus,
magnesium, and iron, and they also contain vitamin B3. They are low in fat and calories, making them ideal for those on a diet.
– Therapeutic benefits: Consuming snail meat can be beneficial for stomach ulcers and respiratory issues.
– Easy to produce: Intensive fattening ensures quick and efficient production.

How to get started?

In my description of the “Garden Snail Fattening,” I provide a detailed presentation of every step involved in creating a snail garden.
You can learn how to prepare the area, select the appropriate snail species, and care for them.
Additionally, I share a list of tools, as well as secrets for kitchen preparation and cooking special snail dishes.

Advantages of my technology?

– There is no need to recultivate the vegetation in the snail farm because the plants used for shading are perennial.
– Snails are fattened with intensive mixed feed instead of plants grown in snail parcels.
– There is no need to enter the plots to move the snails, so there is no trampling damage.
– The required humidity is created by water-saving atomization.
– Caring for snails requires significantly less live labor compared to previously known technologies.
– The applied procedure ensures a shady, well-ventilated, and comfortable environment for the snails.

Be part of this special world!

The price of the description is 100€, which I will send in PDF format to the email address you provide after the transfer.

I guarantee that I will continuously answer any questions you may have during the setup and operation of the project.

Contact me:

Mobile: +36 30 737 4562

Don’t miss this opportunity! Get involved in snail farming and discover the secrets of this special hobby!

Discover the Secrets of Snail Farming!

Imagine being able to raise the finest and most valuable
snails right in your own garden. It’s not just about a delicacy,
it’s also a profitable hobby opportunity!

Who am I?

I am Zoltán Rácz dr., an agricultural engineer and economist, who has been
involved in garden snail breeding for 35 years.
With my experience, I can help you create a successful and sustainable snail garden in your own yard.

Why is it worth raising snails?

– Valuable food: Snails are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus,
magnesium, and iron, and they also contain vitamin B3. They are low in fat and calories, making them ideal for those on a diet.
– Therapeutic benefits: Consuming snail meat can be beneficial for stomach ulcers and respiratory issues.
– Easy to produce: Intensive fattening ensures quick and efficient production.

How to get started?

In my description of the “Garden Snail Fattening,” I provide a detailed presentation of every step involved in creating a snail garden.
You can learn how to prepare the area, select the appropriate snail species, and care for them.
Additionally, I share a list of tools, as well as secrets for kitchen preparation and cooking special snail dishes.

Advantages of my technology?

– There is no need to recultivate the vegetation in the snail farm because the plants used for
shading are perennial.
– Snails are fattened with intensive mixed feed instead of plants grown in snail parcels.
– There is no need to enter the plots to move the snails, so there is no trampling damage.
– The required humidity is created by water-saving atomization.
– Caring for snails requires significantly less live labor compared to
previously known technologies.
– The applied procedure ensures a shady, well-ventilated, and
comfortable environment for the snails.

Be part of this special world!

The price of the description is 100€, which I will send in PDF format to the email address you provide after the transfer.

I guarantee that I will continuously answer any questions you may have during the setup and operation of the project.

Contact me:

Mobile: +36 30 737 4562

Don’t miss this opportunity! Get involved in snail farming and discover the secrets of this special hobby!